Prep Guide

Shower Pan with Floating Bench


1. All showers need blocking between each stud, which should be 12 inches high from the floor up. Same applies to (1a.) and (1.).

2. Every shower needs a damn, which is at a very minimum 3 inches high. The shower damn is normally constructed of 2 or 3 (2 x 4’s) stacked flat on top of each other at the entrance of the shower.

3. An installed shower drain always needs to be flush with the floor. The correct shower drain will have a top and bottom flange held together by 3 or 4 removable bolts.

4. When building the floating bench is important to block all surrounding areas of the bench. Blocking needs to be at least 6 inches high all around

5. It is very important to block the area that is perpendicular to the corner seat, this area is often forgotten. Block should be at least 6 inches wide. Same applies to 5.

6. This Step is optional when building a floating bench it will be determined by the design, if applicable it should be back at the height of the bench.

7. When blocking underneath the floating bench coverage should be from the floor to the bottom of the

bench and all around, not leaving any gaps. Same applies to 7.

8. The bottom of the bench should also be completely blocked allowing us to wrap out the waterproof

around the whole bench.